Macrovision Pharmaceutical ERP- software in "Pharmaceutical Industry software.It is Simple to use, Easy to implement, Flexible to customize and complete solution for the unique business processes and needs of the Textile Software units, as per WHO-GMP & Schedule-"M".
Macrovision Pharmaceutical ERP is designed to handle all the needs in most efficient, effective & accurate way. ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Industry was launched in the market to provide the best supporting system for the Pharmaceutical Business upgrading itself from time to time according to the market needs. The incomparable After Sales Service and Training Support is the key behind its success.
Macrovision Pharmaceutical ERP is a total integrated solution, which enables lateral flow of information across departments hence bringing synchronization and efficiency in the working of an organization. It manages the need of all departments of manufacturing units viz. Accounts, Purchase, Inventory, Production & Planning, Marketing, Sales & Dispatches, Quality Control and other working control required across the departments to enhance accountability. Time office, Payroll and Personnel management is also integrated with the main system.
Macrovision Pharmaceutical ERP not only provides an on line -transaction processing, quick analysis, a Decision Support System, a Reverse Tracking of Inventory, but also provides data control to minimize operational errors .It enables system driven operations.
Macrovision Pharmaceutical ERP is a well integrated system with Dynamic Document Management, Smart Task Generation and Work Flow Management System. The communicator module makes the internal and external communication of the whole organization handy and accountable. It provides an organization a Total – Holistic Solution, that any head of organization dreams of.
Financial Accounting System:
- Chart of accounts, N-Level Account grouping.
- Grouping can be done for Revenue accounts, Direct and Indirect Expense accounts, Cash
- and Bank accounts, Supplier and Customer accounts and Control accounts.
- Multiple division accounting – system will handle auto reverse entries for cross division entries.
- Division wise users rights - to control entries by authorized users .Users
- Can have multiple division’s entry rights.
- Multiple levels of cost centers can be defined to have expense bifurcations. Only allowed appear for selection, at the time of expense voucher entries.
- Reference accounts can be defined for additional level of analysis. Reference accounts can be Common for group of accounts.
- Budgeting – annual, quarterly or monthly budget definition and actual usage comparison.
- Payment planning for better finance control.
- Multiple currencies for each transaction. Currency Gain & loss at the time of transactions.
- Multiple Transaction Types for almost all Transactions. Different transaction serial number With different Prefix and transaction type wise different approval authorities can be defined.
- Approvals for each transactions- with different delegation of power.
- All Accounting Vouchers.
- Cash Payment, Cash Receipt, Cheque Payment, Cheque Receipt. Intimation to various departments.
- Payment request from various departments to account manager.
- Multiple cash book for different departments. Weekly report for department wise expenses mainly for unplanned expenses or emergencies.
- Expense vouchers (for Utilities, transports etc.) bill booking and payments.
- TDS Tax deduction at source- Entry at Purchase Voucher, Bill wise Expense, also at Cash Payment and Cheque Payment. Pending TDS calculation as per partial limit and full limits.
- Journal voucher and Contra vouchers. Division wise internal account adjustment can be done. Auto JV for Division wise reverse entries from various transactions.
- Credit Note, Transaction type for different type of Credit notes.
- Debit Note. Transaction type for different type of Debit notes.
- Bill wise Payment & Receipt & Handling of Bill wise Advance Payment Settlement.
- Bank wise Auto Reconciliation.
- Cheque printing for cheque payments. RTGS facility.
- Division wise Voucher entries with different serial number.
- Cost center can be entered in vouchers for required accounts. Cost center wise reports.
- Users Authorities for Add – Edit Delete and view. Transaction locking after prescribed period.
- All Vouchers memo Printing.
- All Transaction Register.
Tax – Levy structure.
- Tax structure where type of tax can be defined with calculation method. All taxes can be
- Implemented with effective dates. Any change in Government rule can be easily handled without changing software and effecting old data.
- Government statutory reports for Excise, VAT, Service tax, etc,.
TDS (Income -Tax Deduction at source):
- TDS deduction structure is open and definable. Deduction will work at the time of transactions On specific accounts only. The percentage of TDS will be calculated based on deduction type (Supplier Type) and Nature of Payment (Expense type for the payment is made or type of account effected against the payment to be made to the supplier.
- TDS payment Challan and other reports will be generated.
- TDS Challan for payment to government.
- Form 16 and 16 A & TDS Statutory Reports- 26 Q & 27 Q, TDS deduction reports, Party TDS Report.
- Excise Charges in Sales. Excise Payment in Purchases.
- Excise sett offs for input and output Tax – Reports.
- Government Statutory reports , RG 23 A part 1, RG 23 A Part 2,RG 23 C Part 1,RG 23 C,
Part 2, Part 2 Summary Report, ER.1,P.L.A Report , D.S.A RG 1, Sales Annexure,RT2
Service tax:
- Service tax Charges in Sales. Service tax Payment in Purchases.
- Service tax sett offs for input and output Tax – Reports.
- Service Bill Register, Service Tax Payment Register, Service Tax “Service tax Category Wise”, Service tax Credit - “Service tax Credit Wise”, Service Tax Pending - “Service tax Credit Wise”
VAT (Value Added Sales Tax):
- VAT Charges in Sales. VAT Payment in Purchases.
- VAT sett offs for input and output Tax – Reports.
- Form 201 A, Form 201 B, Form 201 C,VAT wise Sales Detail Report, VAT wise Purchase Detail Report, Local Purchase Report, Import, OGS, Tax Free Purchase report, Local Sales Report, Export Sales report, ODS Sales report
Asset Management System:
- Asset Master / asset type /Item Grouping with identification no.
- Asset register division wise
- Indent from different division / departments
- Asset Purchase
- CWIP to Fixe asset Conversion
- Asset transfer from one division to other division.
- Depreciation calculation based on different method (SLM or WDV).
- Asset Re valuation, Asset Write-off / additions in asset in between.
- Fixed Asset Register, Fixed Asset Purchase Register and Other Reports.
Financial reports:
- Aging Analysis, Due Out standing report and Receivable report.
- Division wise - Cost center wise – reference account wise expense analysis.
- General ledger, Party Account Report.
- Cost Center wise and Reference account wise Expense account reports
- Cash flow and Fund flow Statements.
- Payment planning. Supplier’s category & Category wise payment planning.
- Trading account, Profit & Loss account,
- Trail balance.
- Balance sheets with schedules
Purchase & Procurementand
- Supplier - approved vendor list- Item group wise. Type of supplier and category can be entered. Contact details, tax – currency – shipment details master maintenance.
- Supplier Performance report, Item wise Quality, Quantity and timely supply analysis.
- Item wise last few purchase details. Item sales or consumption pattern for purchase decision.
- Purchase Indent for various departments. (1) Production Indent (2) Reorder level Indent (3) General Indent (4) Asset Item Indent (5) Service Item Indent.
- Purchase Inquiries to Supplier. One Inquiry for multiple Items from Multiple Indents.
- Quotation entry - received from Suppliers for comparison.
- Quotation comparison report with Item wise landed cost and Terms and conditions.
- Purchase Order. Different transaction type for Different PO, i.e. for Raw materials, Service Items, Asset Items, Import material PO, etc .
- PO will have Item details, Quantity, Unit, Rate, currency, total amount, Tax details, expected date of delivery, payment terms and other terms.
- PO approval by higher authorities. Transaction type wise and value wise authority can be different.
- Purchase reports. Pending purchase order list for follow-up.
- PO Follow up. Expected material receipt date can be changed.
- Goods Receipt Note, Purchase Invoice Voucher entry. Taxes and Extra Expense can be entered later.
- Purchase Bill passing for payment after getting approval from Quality control.
- Material Receipt intimation to Indenter or Production department.
- Landed Cost calculation.
- Import documentation, le tter of credit handling, bank charges, documentation and DEPP.
- Purchase return with reason type (i.e. Discrepancy- for quality, quantity, terms and conditions, or deviation in material specifications, etc. ) – rejection analysis.
Procurement Planning:
- Raw material requirement list for the Product to be produced. Required Material will be calculated based on Bill of material.
- Purchase Indent can be generated based on Shortages (Material required not in stock).
- Raw material in stock or access purchase order quantity or Semi-finished (intermediate Material) stock available quantity can be considered while calculating Shortage quantity.
- Tracking will be available for procurement planning to purchase order and material received. Material in stock consider for the planning will be booked for this production, and this will not be available for next planning.
- Purchase planning for Consumable Materials, packing materials etc., can be done by defining Minimum Stock Level for each Item. The Indent can be generated for the Item stock falling under minimum level.
Supplier Management and Control:
- Supplier Category / supplier group - wise payment planning. Supplier wise Payment allocation will be done by finance controller. Accountant can mark bill wise payment planning under this allocation.
- Supplier wise, credit limit and Credit days for due out standing & receivables. Special feature for entering possible payment receipts in next week / month – for batter finance control & payment planning.
- Supplier wise transaction Currency can be fixed. Party ledger will be in defined currency – defined for each supplier .
- Levy structure programmable for each supplier. While making PO tax details and terms will Come automatically.
- Raw material Item alias name for Supplier’s Item name printing on Purchase order.
- Party wise Terms and conditions , labeling details, Dispatch Instruction, Item wise specifications and other control data. These data will appear where ever required.
- Supplier wise Item wise rate contract for open quantity or fix quantity for defined period.
Inventory Management
Item Structure:
- Flexible Item Grouping, Four levels of Groups with Hierarchy. 10 groups at same level.
- 10 features can be linked for special functionalities.
- Item Search facility and Item filtering in reports based on Item grouping. Graphical view to see the Item group structure.
- Item code & Name auto generation structure based on sort code given to Item groups.
- Open Item features with values & Unit (like Height, width, length, thickness, density etc.). Dependable Item features for calculation from other Features (Like Area, weight, chargeable area etc.). Item features can be defined for each last level of Item group.
- Fixed features can be defined for operation control or Item wise special functionalities. i.e. Barcode label sticker Printing size, Item can be sold in whole quantity only, etc.
- Item linking with type of Applications / type of industries going to consume.
- For keeping data security, Items can be blocked accessing to the users – not handling the Items. User can view the details, stock , sales or purchase for those limited Item only for which he is authorized.
Inventory Management & Control
- Multiple Location Wise Inventory handling.
- Material type - raw material, packaging material or even essential materials
- Inventory calculation based on Material Lot Number (MLN), Average Method, FIFO,
- Issue from one location to other location.
- Material booking – blocked for planned Work Order. Inventory material or Purchase order material can be allocated to particular Work Order/Production Planning.
- Minimum Order level for each Item – Location wise – division wise, for Purchase indent.
- Minimum level quantity can be decided based on Consumption pattern and lead period for purchase.
- Material Requisition- work order wise Store Indent raised by Production department.
- Material Lot Number wise Inventory maintenance. System will mark MLN at the time of Purchase and Production. MLN selection at the time of Issue or consumption. Complete tracking based on MLN. System will show available stock based on FIFO.
- Stock valuation based on purchase value and landed cost value.
- GRN can be related to the Indent. Email notification during GRN, to the concerned person generating the PO.
- Stock report for any level of group selection.
- Material lot number will be given by system at the time of Inward / Goods Receipt Note.
- Bar code sticker can be printed with MLN number.
- Quality check / no check required can be defined Item wise.
- Consumption, Wastage Entry. Cost center can be defined.
- Stock Adjustment for item code change or wrong entry done. Total amount of Input Item and output Item will be same.
- Vendor locations can be defined for Material issued for Job work.
- Physical Stock Verification, (Optional feature: Barcode Wise Scanning by Hand held terminal )
- Division wise location wise stores valuation & closing stock.
- Inventory Reports, Stock Ledger, Stock Summary
- Issue, Consumption, Wastage etc. registers
- Costing for each produced material.
- ABC Analysis for fast / slow moving Items.
- A.R. Wise Stock Register of RM/PM.
- B. No. Wise Stock of Finished Goods.
- Stock Valuation of RM/PM, untesting Stock /under process Stock
- Stock Status as on any date.
- Stock Register as per Schedule-U
- Re-tested/Mfd. /Exp. dated stock
- Separate Store for Rejected stock
- Minimum/Maximum level stock
- Negative, Dump & Hold Stock
- Production Planning of Finished Goods on Sales & Minimum basis
- Sales & Receipt/Issue Analysis
- ABC Analysis, Bank Statement & Summaries
Sales & Marketing
- Sales Personal management. Sales executive – area and product type linking.
- Price management. Area wise – product wise sales price list. Last rate Change show change –date. Price list access rights to users.
- Area wise customer wise list. Customer category and product type targeted.
- Customer wise contact management, Payment terms, credit period, and credit limit and transaction currency.
- Sales Analytics and Forecasting. Area wise sales Budget (Targets) and achievements.
Customer Management and control:
- Customer contact management – multiple addresses- contact persons, contact details
- Customer Category can be define to bifurcate area wise, product wise or Industries Type wise.
- Customer wise, credit limit and Credit days for due out standing & receivables.
- Customer wise Items, special Items, QC parameters, and Sales Rates.
- Levy structure programmable for each customer.
- Item wise Sales Forecasting for Production / Procurement planning.
- Party ledger in fixed foreign currency – define for each customer.
- Finish Item alias name for customer, printing on Sales Invoice.
- Terms and conditions, dispatch details, Packing details, Label printing, transporters, etc.
- Customer status update to control dealings. i.e. customer can be blocked to stop dispatch for Pending payments or can be black listed to stop all transactions.
- Sales Inquiry – Product Type, Specifications, Terms and conditions.
- Sales Quotation & Approvals.
- Follow up, status update and pending follow-up report. Area wise sales executive wise inquiry access rights.
- Sales Order booking, All Detail entries. Order from customer - Document can be attached.
- Sales Order approval.
Dispatch Planning:
- Sales order wise dispatch Planning. Dispatch order generation to final packing department or Dispatch Department.
- For the material not ready in required size packet-Box size, Then Packing transfer Request can be generates to Packing Planning.
- Material Allocation can be done to Book the material as per requirement. Batch wise-Lot wise quality check Report can be seen for Batch selection. Customer wise specification required for each item can be compared before selecting Batch/Lot.
Packing Planning:
- Packing planning is required for the organization, selling product in different packing.
- Planning Indent can be generated based on Minimum level for inventory.
- Packing planning indent can be generated from Sales department for Product required for sales, while doing dispatch planning.
- Planning order will be generated for packing department.
Dispatch Transactions
- Performa Invoice.
- Packing List – Dispatch Memo.
- Outer- Packing Label printing with the details mentioned in Sales Order or customer wise Master.
- Invoice generation wise all taxes. Taxes structure in sales type wise or customer wise.
- Dispatch Instructions on sales order or Customer wise master data like, packing required, transport selection, co-shipment Sample required, etc..
- Commercial Invoice – in case of Job work billing.
- Sales Return – Credit note generation.
Sales Type Configuration
- Multiple sales types can be defined.
- Sales Type wise - Sr. number , prefix , common Serial number of multiple sales type, account code linking, Item Group, Location, Division and Printing format can be configured.
- Sales type wise Tax structure to have better control and reduce user’s mistakes.
- Division wise, location wise – different user’s rights.
Sales Price list preparation
- Multiple type of Sales Price List preparation.
- Different type of Margins master for fast Price list generation. Margins- Item group wise.
- Customer wise – Set of Item wise separate Price list.
- Raw material Price change – alert for sales rate change.
- Sales rate Change management and history report.
Export and documentation
Export Masters
- Duty Drawback , Export Scheme Master
- Focus Country List & Details and ECGC Master
Export Transaction
- Export Sales Order with Shipping Marks, Port Details and Document Details
- CT-1, Customer Performa Invoice & Pre-shipment Invoice
- Scheme wise SO Bifurcation
- ARE-1 , CHA Entry and S/B and B/L Enter
- Post Shipment Invoice and Packing list
- Export Invoice
- ECGC Application and Proof Of Export
- Rebate Claim Entry & DBK (Duty Drawback) Received Entry
Sales Reports
- Sales order reports - pending orders
- Dispatch reports- So wise , Customer wise , Item wise reports
- Sales Invoice register, Tax collection report.
- Sales return register.
- Agent wise, Sales Representative (SR) wise sales analysis, commission calculation reports.
- Customer wise due outstanding, receivable and receivable entries done by respective SR for payment planning.
- Sales Analysis for SR and Sales Manager.
- Dash Board for SR for faster Sales Operations.
Production & Production Planning
Production Structure:
- Item wise / Product wise Bill of Material.
- Multiple Bill of Material for one Item.
- Process Master linked with Machine and Manpower Usage.
- For each stage Process, activities and input Item can be defined. Standard value of process parameters or input Item quantity defined in Bill of material can be also define in Process Card. Stage wise Process , activities can be defined.
- Plant wise or different batch size wise Process card can be different.
- Resource Consumption, labor cost, Power and fuel cost can be defined stage wise, in process Card for standard process cost calculation.
- Default Process Card can be defined for Costing calculation.
- Packing BOM for packing loose material in different size of Packages. Other Resource used or labor cost can be defined for costing.
- User access control for master creation, changes and data entries.
Production Planning
- Finish product indent will be generated by sales department based on sales Order or Sales Forecasting.
- Store Department can be also generated Indent for Production based on Minimum level of Inventory.
- Production order can be generated final production planning with scheduling. This can be used for Procurement of raw materials and generating Production work order.
Production Process
- Work Order generation (based on sales order or Sales Forecasting)
- Monthly Production planning, Daily Production allocation ( Batch start)
- Production allocation stage wise – plant wise scheduling.
- Work order wise – product wise Batch wise Production entries.
- Pick list, Issue to production floor for work order wise,
- Process wise standard Value and actual value entered at the time of production.
- Process wise – input Item wise Comparison report with deviation.
- Final Quantity produced – Lot wise tracking.
- Wastage/ scrap can be entered.
- Start time –end time entries, Machine number (Line number) & Operator name entry.
- Material produce can be rejected (Scrap) by production department or it can be taken out of work order to use in other work order.
- Direct Inventory control for consumed Item and produced Item.
- Material lot number for each Produced material for tracking.
- Sample out for quality check by production personals for the batch / stage.
- Testing done value of QC will be seen online to the concern person for that batch.
- Consumption of Consumable Items for each Machine.
- Production approval after final QC report.
- Packing of Loose Item to different packing size.
- Packing (transfer to packed item) planning based on requirement or Minimum level qty.
- Item required (Indent) for Packing finish Item.
- Process wise production Detail report.
- Raw material consumption & Costing for each Process/ stage.
- Daily Report generation. Work order wise production status report.
- Work order wise deviation report.
- Service work order ( work on customer’s Material)
- Dispatch Planning – Dispatch order for outer packing & Labeling.
- Outer packing sticker printing.
- Packing slip
R&D – Research and development
- Project definition and Purpose type.
- Batch start for R&D production.
- In process Sample for QC and QC report view on line.
- Item consumed and process done entries.
- Final Bill of Material generation and Process card generation after finalization of Product.
- Cost calculation.
- QC reports
Production Reports
- Product wise - BOM Master Report
- Input Item/ Raw material Wise BOM Detailed Report
- Process Card / Job Card Report
- Packing BOM Master Report
- Loose Item Wise Packing BOM Report
- Process Done Report- Product wise , Machine Wise , Plant Wise, Operation Wise & Batch Wise/.
- Product wise- Batch wise reports, Final yield report, Comparison report, Costing, Quality check report.
- Daily Resource consumed report. Batch wise, plant wise or stage wise .
- Job work out / in report. Vendor wise Pending and work done report.
- Work order wise , Product wise -batch wise Production status, dispatches and pending.
- Sales order wise, sales forecasting wise – planning
- Batch Wise-Stage Wise Sample in QC Report.
- Packing Order and Status Report.
- Pollution Control Board Report and Chemical Weapon Report
- BMR/BPR (as per who GMP)
- Testing Requisition Slip for testing bulk /finish.
- Yield Statement.
Product Costing
- Production Cost calculation.
- Product – Finish Item Standard Cost from Raw material purchase cost, Process cost, overhead cost , resources like Labor , Power, fuel, consumables etc. mentioned in Bill of material and Process Card and standard QC cost considered.
- Cost calculator for Marketing and R&D department.
- Batch wise Costing , actual cost Calculation from Batch production actual Raw material used , Process cost and resource cost actual used and QC done cost incurred.
Quality Check :
Quality Check structure:
- Item / product wise test specifications and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
- Test Parameter master. Standard value, Deviation, Range Min & Max value,Observations , etc., can be defined.
- Document can be attached for Parameter or for SOP linked with parameter.
- Cost of Parameter testing and time required for testing for each parameter.
- Item group wise specifications.
- Customer wise Item wise specifications.
- Standard sample management with specifications and test values.
- Reading entries and pre-defined Calculations.
- Process linking for each parameter for work flow management.
- Item wise Specifications- with change management.
- Tester wise Test parameter linking for work distribution.
- Sample type – ( for raw material, In process, Finish Item final testing, Retesting, R&D and Out-side Product )
- Customer wise Finish Item wise specifications. Supplier wise Raw material wise Specifications.
- Test Certificates (TC) or Certificate of analysis (COA) Standard work sheets. Customer wise Test parameter printing format selection on COA . Configurable Detail for printing on COA (Item wise): Header –Footer, Manufacturing date, expiry days, and test method used, standard sample number, CAS no. ,CI Name, etc.
- Test Instruments – Linked with testing. Calibration schedule management.
- Multiple Lab (Units) – test instruments, Testers (Chemist) & Test parameter linking.
Quality testing & other Transactions:
- Sample received – Sample number – Work serial number wise tracking.
- Sample type wise test parameters fixing. Lab selection for work allocation.
- Instruction remarks can be entered for the sample, which will be seen by each tester (Chemist).
- Dash board for each users- Tester, lab in charge and QC Manager.
- Sample status dash board for Sample inward waiting and sample wise status monitoring.
- Parameter “Quality testing Dash Board” for QC tester wise parameter wise work pending.
- QC tester can select parameters for online test reading entries /observation entries. System will show deviation from standard value and pass and fail status (Optional). Document can be attached with reading and remark can be also entered which will be seen by QC in charge for approval.
- Tester can view any SOP document parameter wise or Technical Document/ instructions from customer – in case of customer wise specification is required.
- New parameter (Out of specifications – in case of R&D) can be added for testing while generating AR no. or in-between testing.
- Sample can be sent outside for testing. The test certificate can be attached and pass or fail status can be marked by the Tester. The tester also can change the standard cost of testing, if required.
- QC In charge can monitor from “Quality testing Dash Board”, can approve sample, disapprove sample or ask for retesting.
- Retesting with selected parameters. The work will be generated and shown in pending – with retest status.
- QC in charge can view Sample comparison report and parameter wise detail view.
- Sample wise - Test certificate generation. Remark can be added for printing. Authorized person can change few configuration options while printing.
- Every Test Certificate (COA) will be stored with version control in document management automatically. This COA can be printed from DMS any time by authorized person.
QC Reports:
- Item wise - Batch wise reports. Comparison report – for different batches or in process samples.
- Specification reports. Specification comparison report, TDS comparison report.
- QC register and summary. Various reports for Work done – Item wise, parameter wise, Tester wise, etc.
- Graphical analysis -reports and statistical reports.
- Sample wise QC actual cost report.
Sample Management:
- Sample type for sample testing- Sample- in (inward for QC department) - (1) In Process sample (Production Batch samples), (2) Finish Product sample (For Final testing or re-testing. (3) Raw material Samples, (4) Sample received from Marketing department (for matching our product with required product) .
- Sample status in Quality test lab under testing.
- Test certificate (TC) or Certificate of analysis (COA).
- Sample sending – (Sample out) to Customer. Sample out Request by Sales Representative (SR), Sample Dispatch department can Dispatch as per instructions given in approved Sample out request memo.
- Pending Sample out Request list for approval list for dispatch.
- Pharmacopoeia Master
- Testing Requisition Slip to Q.C.
- Testing Requisition Slip to Outside Agency.
- Record of Analysis of RM/PM.
- Certificate of Analysis RM/PM.
- Release order RM/PM.
- Rejection order RM/PM.
- Approved / Rejection Slip.
- Sample Register of RM/PM.
- Stock Register as per Schedule -U.
- Re-testing and its records