Multiple Earnings & Deductions Definitions Home
- User definable earnings & deductions based on Attendance, Period Type etc.
- Define earnings and deductions based on classification like category, grade, location, branch etc.
- CTC/Gross structure definition
- Pay Scale based on Grade for Government, Public Sector, Banks etc.
- Industry wise Dearness Allowance calculation
- Effective date wise policy definition for HRA, CCA etc.
- Professional Tax Structure location wise
- Tax deductions structure as per government norms
- Priority settings of earnings and deductions
- Provision for stipend, consolidated pay
Pay slip Configuration
- Daily, Monthly and hourly Calculation types
- Monthly Attendance data fetching based on Last/Overlap/Current Month
- Manual form for monthly attendance data entry
- Periodically and monthly allowance and deduction entries Scalable & Easily Configurable
Pay slip Generation & Posting
- Import from Excel and CSV files for bulk transactions entries
- Salary Advance Recovery
- Coins carry forward facility with ceil/floor basis.
- Hold Salary and Stop Payment features
- Instead amount features for loan or other deductions
- Carry-forward able deductions in case of negative salary.
- Provision for manual, auto and intermediate salary generation process
- Auto and manual lock facility for pay slip
- Bank file generation on various formats
- Journal Voucher preparation for accounting Lock, Stop (Earning/Deduction) & Hold, Salary, Facility, Bank File Generation & Journal Voucher Posting
Arrear, IT, PF & ESIC
Income Tax:
- Investment Type and slab definition
- Employee wise investment declaration
- Projected and Non projected based calculation
- Government Statutory Reports : Form 16, 12BA, B
- 24Q Challan generation
Arrears :
- Auto release and deduction on arrear calculation
- Arrear calculation on late increment, absenteeism deductions, post leave application
- Mass Arrear Settlement Automatic Arrear
Calculation HUMAN VISION Arrear, IT, PF & ESIC
Provident Fund (PF):
- Effective date wise PF
Structure definition
- PF nominee declaration
- PF, Pension and Voluntary PF
- Loan on PF Accumulation
- PF upload file generation
with arrears
- PF form 5 & form 10 upload
file generation
- Government Statutory
Reports : 3A, 6A, 2, 5, 10, 12A,
19C, 10C, 10D
- PF Challan
- PF Inspection Detail
Complete PF
(PF Trust Of
Govt. &
Module WithAll Kind Of Statutory Reports
Arrear, IT, PF & ESIC
Employee State Insurance (ESI):
- Effective date wise ESI Structure definition
- ESI Calculation
- Return of Contribution (RC) Book maintenance
- ESI Leave
- ESI upload file generation
- Government Statutory
Reports: 6, 7, 15, 29
- ESI Challan
- ESI Inspection Detail
Effective Date Wise Structure Definition
Complete ESI Module With All Kind Of
Statutory Reports
LWF, Gratuity, Bonus,
Reimbursement, Perquisites &
Every Heads Are Once/Twice Per Year/Career
But We Are Taking Them Very Carefully.
Labor Welfare Fund (LWF):
- Effective date wise LWF Structure definition
- LWF Calculation with arrears
- LWF Challan
- Parameter based gratuity definition
- Gratuity calculation
- Tax calculation on gratuity
- Government Statutory Reports : F, I, J, A, G, H, K, L, M, S
- Gratuity payable as on date for liability
Bonus & Exgratia:
- Bonus & Ex-gratia applicability definition
- Bonus provision
- Bonus calculation
- Government Statutory Reports : A, B, C, D
- Reimbursement definition & plan
- Reimbursement claim
- Reimbursement payment
- Perquisites definition
- Tax calculation on perquisites
- Retention calculation for seasonal employees
- Retention Payment
Loan & Advance, Travelling &
Halting Allowance, LTC & Penalty
Loan & Advance:
- Loan Policy definition
- Loan Disbursement
- Loan Repayment
- Capital & Interest deduction through Pay slip
Loan & Advance Module With
Pending Amount Base, So No
Need To Remind Yourself
About The Instalments Every
Loan Repayment Facility Is
There In Case Of
Repayment Of Loan
Amount Other Than Main
Instalment With Selection
Of Principle & Interest Both. HUMAN VISION
Loan & Advance, Travelling &
Halting Allowance, LTC & Penalty
Travelling and Halting Allowance:
- Allowance definition on distance slab
- Self transport charges based on vehicle
type and employee level wise
- Halting allowance based on cities and
employee level wise with hours spent slab
- Lodging and boarding parameter definition
- Allowance calculation for new joining and
transfer cases
- Advance and claim settlement
Leave Travel Concession (LTC):
- LTC Block & Parameter Definition
- LTC Advance Entry
- LTC Claim and settlement
- LTC Encashment provision
Penalty Deductions:
- Auto deduction on late coming and early
- Penalty based salary deductions
Define Multiple Fines As Per Requirement With Deduction Type Amount/Days/Hours.